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Find healing & experience transformation fast with Lucy orton, experienced + attuned IFS-trained Therapist/counsellor and coach

Feel better, faster and begin a deeper journey

Internal family systemS (IFS) intensives can help you accomplish in one deep-dive session what may take months in traditional therapy.

How do IFS Intensives help you find balance + healing?

Internal Family Systems Therapy Intensives are designed to help you heal faster and feel better in days, not months or years.

You don’t have the time to devote to weekly therapy sessions

You are dedicated to change and committed to healing but weekly sessions are a challenge. Time is precious and perhaps your work, travel, family and caring responsibilities mean that regular sessions are not going to work for you in this season of your life. Therapy intensives are intended to to accelerate and deepen your healing process. Increasing the amount of time you spend with your therapist means that you can achieve 3-6 months worth of progress in just a few days.

but You’re still seeking deep, transformative healing that lasts

By spending longer together over a shorter period, we can completely maximise our time. We won’t need to spend as much time getting situated, settling into sessions and updating on where you are. Instead, we can prioritise your precious time for transforming how you feel at your core, by deepening your insight, understanding and ultimately by creating a protected space for healing and for you to connect with the ‘real you’.

why would you choose to do an IFS Intensive?


  • You want to heal from a very painful or traumatic experience that is still impacting you months, years or decades on.

  • You want to experience deeply therapeutic and healing work that will change your life.

  • You have done IFS therapy before and found it powerful - and something you want to explore more deeply and in an accelerated format.

  • You are getting ready to take the leap with a major life transition or life event (e.g. getting married, having your first child, becoming an empty nester, taking a career leap or moving abroad or to a new city).

  • You have a regular therapist but you feel in need of a more intensive and deep experience that will bring healing to you faster.

  • You are a parent, travel a lot with work, teach and term-times are full on or you have another reason why a weekly therapy session feels hard to fit in right now.

  • You’d like to carve out a retreat-style time to focus solely on you, your healing and your future in a safe, supportive and focused container.

  • You’re ready to block out a targeted and concentrated period of time from your schedule to prioritise YOU and to experience retreat-style healing wherever you are in the world.

What is an intensive?

An intensive offers the chance to schedule a multi-hour period of focused time to explore a specific issue so that you can gain clarity or resolution quickly and so that you can heal from the way it is affecting you in the day-to-day.

IFS intensives can help with a huge range of challenges and the focused and elongated amount of time we are able to spend exploring and getting to know the triggers, reactions and challenges can mean that healing comes quickly, deeply and sustainably.

Intensives can be done on one day, over several consecutive days or with a short gap between sessions.


Pre-Intensive workbook

If you are not an existing client, you will be sent a personalised workbook to complete prior to our session. This offers practical information and a comprehensive, personalised set of pre-assessments. It also enables me to situate myself in your story, gather information and ask for any required clarification prior to us meeting together.



This 90 minute session will take place 1-3 weeks before your intensive session. During this time, we will set goals, consider your concerns and questions and assess the right pathway for you with your intensive experience.



The intensive will run between 3 and 14 hours depending on your needs, the issue(s) you’re focusing on and your personal choice. The intensive will be customised based on the pre-session and your personalised workbook content. This deep-dive session is fully curated to your needs to maximise the transformation and healing.

I will check in on you throughout our work, in order to attune to the intensity levels you are experiencing and how things feel for you.


Post-Intensive Follow-Up

After the session, we will book in a follow-up session of 90 minutes. This session will involve processing time as well as accountability so that the healing becomes embedded in your system. As well as an opportunity to reflect on your healing, we can also explore options for your continued journey in growth and healing.


IFS Intensive IFS Intensive near me Internal Family Systems Intense Healing RetreatIFS Intensive IFS Intensive near me Internal Family Systems Intense Healing Retreat Bangkok Thailand SE Asia in-person therapy intensive retreat Bali Singapore

Empowering and deep treatment

Intensive prep guide & customised treatment plan

encouragement to listen to your holistic needs throughout

A dedicated partner on your journey to healing

Imagine finally getting to…

Resolve deep wounds without waiting years

Starting a therapeutic process can feel daunting. Worries about opening Pandora’s Box and spending years in the ‘in-between’ of aware but not yet healed can be loud for many clients. With both the IFS modality and the process offered by intensives, you can rest assured knowing that transformations can be faster and deeper - and that you most likely will feel the benefits within hours rather than weeks, months or years.

Experience accelerated AND long-lasting healing

Internal Family Systems as a modality is grounded in long-lasting change and offers a powerful blueprint for living. This means that while sessions may offer fast healing, the insights and breakthroughs you experience during your intensive will be life-changing and sustainable for your inner system.

Overcome the obstacles that have prevented you to this point

There is always a reason to put off a weekly commitment and always an argument to delay time-investment in you and your healing. Especially for high-performers, over-achievers and those who find it hard to prioritise themselves. With an IFS intensive, those ‘practical’ reasons can fade away and you can take your first powerful step. Once you have committed to your intensive, you will be setting your healing in motion, taking huge strides forward to reach the authentic you, that you know is inside.

Book a call to explore which intensive is best for you:

gold: 1 day

STarting AT £1950

8 hour package with 6 therapy contact hours:

  • Personalised pre-intensive workbook and analysis by Lucy Orton.

  • Pre-intensive session (90 minutes)

  • Intensive (3 hours)

  • Post-intensive follow up session (90 minutes)

platinum: 2 days

STarting AT £2850

12 hour package with 10 therapy contact hours:

  • Personalised pre-intensive workbook and analysis by Lucy Orton.

  • Pre-intensive session (90 minutes)

  • Intensive 7 hours over 1 day or 7 hours over 2 days

  • Post-intensive follow up session (90 minutes)

diamond: 3 days

STarting AT £3500

14 hour package with 12 therapy contact hours:

  • Personalised pre-intensive workbook and analysis by Lucy Orton

  • Pre-intensive session (90 minutes)

  • Intensive (3 hours per day for 3 days)

  • Post-intensive follow up session (90 minutes)

Are you ready to dive into your deep-healing journey?


Other intensive questions? I’ve got answers.

  • IFS is an evidence-based psychotherapeutic modality that sees every person as multiple, with a set of ‘parts’ that have their own thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

    By getting to know these parts, you can develop a transformative and new understanding of your inner world. This brings harmony as you are able to heal each part of difficult past experiences. You can read more about IFS here.

  • An IFS intensive is a concentrated and accelerated way of engaging with this modality that does not require the more typical weekly commitment. While the frequency and intensity differs from traditional therapy sessions, the healing power of this work and the IFS modality is the same.

  • We can talk about your suitability on a free consult. If a weekly commitment is hard for you right now, but you’re keen to make progress fast, then an intensive approach could be ideal and effective for you.

  • Research shows that IFS is effective in working with trauma, anxiety, relationship issues, stressful childhoods, perfectionism and much more. Many of my IFS intensive clients struggle with toxic families of origin, workaholism, grief and loss, over-achievement and self-doubt; IFS intensives can get to the root of these issues far more quickly than traditional talk therapy.

  • As well as attending the initial and pre-session calls, you will be asked to complete a short pre-session workbook so that I can situate myself in your story and maximise our time together.

  • Book in for a free consult - mentioning you’re interested in an intensive - or email me with ‘Intensive’ in the subject line.

What makes IFS Therapy Intensives so special?

Meet your therapist and IFS Intensive guide, Lucy:

Your Intensive IFS therapy journey.

It’s time.

lucy Orton, MSC, DIP.COUNS
IFS Intensives | IFS healing retreats